package posix; /** Represent a posix semaphore set. Work in progress. @author Stuart D. Gathman Copyright (C) 1998 Business Management Systems, Inc.

This code is distributed under the GNU Library General Public License

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ public class SemSet extends IPC { private static final int GETNCNT = 3; /* get semncnt */ private static final int GETPID = 4; /* get sempid */ private static final int GETVAL = 5; /* get semval */ private static final int GETALL = 6; /* get all semval's */ private static final int GETZCNT = 7; /* get semzcnt */ private static final int SETVAL = 8; /* set semval */ private static final int SETALL = 9; /* set all semval's */ public static final short SEM_UNDO = (short)init(); private int nsems; // number of semaphores in set public SemSet(int key,int nsem,int flag) throws IPCException { this.nsems = nsem; id = semget(key,nsem,flag); if (id < 0) throw new IPCException("semget",id & 0x7fffffff); owner = (flag & IPC_CREAT) != 0; } public void remove() { if (id >= 0) { semctl(id,0,IPC_RMID,0); id = -1; } } /** Attach to an existing semaphore set */ public SemSet(int qid) throws IPCException { id = qid; semid_ds st = getStatus(); nsems = st.sem_nsems; } /** Attach to an existing semaphore set */ public SemSet(String path,int id) throws IPCException { this(ftok(path,id)); } public static class semid_ds extends IPC.Perm { semid_ds(int id) throws IPCException { super(id); int rc = semctlb(id,0,IPC_STAT,this); if (rc < 0) throw new IPCException("semctl",rc & 0x7fffffff); } // only we can create public long sem_otime; // last semop time public long sem_ctime; // last change time public int sem_nsems; // # of semaphores in set } public static native int semget(int key,int num,int flag); private static native int semctlb(int id,int semnum,int cmd,semid_ds buf); private static native int semctl(int id,int semnum,int cmd,short[] buf); private static native int semctl(int id,int semnum,int cmd,int val); private static native int semop(int id,short[] sema); private static native int init(); public semid_ds getStatus() throws IPCException { int id =; if (id < 0) return null; return new semid_ds(id); } /** Set the uid, gid, mode, qbytes for this IPC data structure. Only a process with appropriate privileges can raise the value of msg_qbytes. @param st a current msqid_ds obtained from {@link #getStatus} */ public void setPerm(Perm st) throws IPCException { if (!(st instanceof semid_ds) || != id) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Current semid_ds required."); int rc = semctlb(id,0,IPC_SET,(semid_ds)st); if (rc < 0) throw new IPCException("semctl",rc & 0x7fffffff); } public void semop(short[] sema) throws IPCException { if (sema.length % 3 != 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Wrong length for SemOp array: " + sema.length); int rc = semop(id,sema); if (rc != 0) throw new IPCException("semop",rc & 0x7fffffff); } public int getPid(char semnum) throws IPCException { int pid = semctl(id,semnum,GETPID,0); if (pid < 0) throw new IPCException("semGetPid",pid & 0x7fffffff); return pid; } public char getNCnt(char semnum) throws IPCException { int ncnt = semctl(id,semnum,GETNCNT,0); if (ncnt < 0) throw new IPCException("semGetNCnt",ncnt & 0x7fffffff); return (char)ncnt; } public char getZCnt(char semnum) throws IPCException { int ncnt = semctl(id,semnum,GETZCNT,0); if (ncnt < 0) throw new IPCException("semGetNCnt",ncnt & 0x7fffffff); return (char)ncnt; } public short getValue(char semnum) throws IPCException { int val = semctl(id,semnum,GETVAL,0); if (val < 0) throw new IPCException("semGetValue",val & 0x7fffffff); return (short)val; } public void setValue(char semnum,short val) throws IPCException { int rc = semctl(id,semnum,SETVAL,val); if (rc < 0) throw new IPCException("semSetValue",rc & 0x7fffffff); } public short[] getValues() throws IPCException { short[] v = new short[nsems]; int rc = semctl(id,nsems,GETALL,v); if (rc < 0) throw new IPCException("semGetValues",rc & 0x7fffffff); return v; } public void setValues(short[] vals) throws IPCException { if (vals.length != nsems) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Wrong length for SemVal array"); int rc = semctl(id,nsems,SETALL,vals); if (rc < 0) throw new IPCException("semSetValues",rc & 0x7fffffff); } }