This program is used to enter basic information required to print an Air Waybill.

AWB Air Waybill Number

M/H/D Type of AWB

DEP Airport of Departure


FILE Company's Reference Number


DEPT Accounting Department Number

DST Airport of Destination

VALIDATE# US Customs Service Number assigned to an Export License

AGNT Customer number of Agent - required on HAWB

SHIP Customer number of Shipper

BILL Customer number for Billing - will default to SHIP

CNS Consignee Name 

ADDR Consignee Street Address

CITY Consignee City

ST/PR Consignee State or Province

CNTRY Consignee 2-letter country code

CNTC# Consignee contact number

RATE ALN Rating Airline

TO-BY Table

CURRENCY The currency of the money amounts shown on the Waybill

CARRIAGE VAL The value for carriage

CUSTOMS VAL The value for Customs

INSURANCE VAL The value to be insured through the airline

DISC % Freight discount rate given the customer - rarely used

ULT DST Ultimate destination

INS % Airline's insurance rate

VAL % Airline's Valuation charge rate

ACCTNG INFO Accounting Information

BIG text entered in this field will be printed in big letters in the body of the Waybill

HANDLING INFO 3 lines of Handling Info may be entered


The Air Waybill (AWB) number consists of a 3-digit airline number and an 8-digit serial number, usually assigned by the airline. Most airlines will assign a block of numbers to agents. Pressing F4 in this field will display the Template inquiry.  Return to List


Air Waybills may be Master, House or Direct. Enter the appropriate letter in this field. House AWB's must use the House Airline number. Return to List

Airport Codes

Enter a valid 3-letter Airport code in this field. Pressing F4 will display the Airport inquiry screen. The Departure and Destination airports may be modified on the WYSIWYG screen. Return to List

Customer Codes

Enter a valid Customer number in this field. Pressing F4 will display the Customer inquiry screen.
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Dates are entered as MMDDYY. If you enter DD, the current month and year will be assumed. If you enter MMDD, the current year will be assumed. Leading zeros must be entered for days and years but are not necessary for months. You may enter day names in templates. Return to List


If this is a House Air Waybill, you must enter the MAWB in this field. You may enter a 3-digit airline code and the system will assign the next AWB number from inventory. This does not create the MAWB, but does reserve the number. You must later manually enter the number and provide the necessary data. If this is a Master AWB, the system will automatically copy the AWB number when you select the M code in the MHD field. Leave this field blank if this is a Direct AWB. Return to List


You may enter a file number in the File field. If you do not, the system will automatically assign one.
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Enter your Department number in this field. This is assigned by your Accounting Department and, normally will default to the proper value. The department number will have an effect on the automatic file number and the AWB inventory routines. Return to List


Enter the Consignee name and address information in these fields. If more space is required, you may expand on the WYSIWYG screen, which is reached by pressing F14 (shift F4). You should always complete the information of this screen because only it is transmitted on electronic versions of the Waybill. You may press F4 to access the Consignee database. You may store an unlimited number of Consignees for each Shipper in this database. Return to List

Contact Number

Enter the Consignee's contact number: FAX (FX), Telephone (TE), or Telex (TL). All 3 may be transmitted with an electronic Waybill if you use the Consignee database. Return to List


Enter the 2-letter country code. You may access the country database by pressing F4. Return to List


For international shipments, the Shipper must have a valid IRS number in the customer database. The Shipper on a Master AWB must be the Consol Shipper designated in the System Default File. The Shipper name and address may be modified on the WYSIWYG screen. Return to List


The system will automatically create an invoice for the appropriate party. Use the Bill To field only in the case of a separate Bill To address. The system will properly handle the billing on Collect Direct and House AWB's. No billing should be done on Master AWB's. An invoice record is created for Master AWB's but it is only for the purpose of setting up Sales Report data. Return to List

Rating Airline

If you are using the automatic rating system (explained in the help for screen 2 of this program), you may enter a 2-letter airline code in this field. That airline will then be used to rate the Waybill. Return to List

To-By Table

Use this table to enter the freight movement routing Enter the 3-letter code for the destination airport of each leg in the "TO" field. Enter the 2-letter airline code in the "BY" field. In both fields, you may access the appropriate database by pressing F4. Enter the Flight number in the "FLIGHT" field. This may be Alpha or numeric or a combination. Finally, you must enter the flight date. If any one of the fields on a line has data, then all fields on the line must be completed. Return to List


Enter the 3-letter currency code used on this Waybill. Normally, this will be USD. You may press F4 to access the currency database. Return to List

Carriage Value

Enter the value for carriage in this field. This value will be used to calculate valuation charges. Normally, NCV is entered in this field. Return to List

Customs Value

Enter the Customs value in this field. This value will be shown on the Waybill and carried over to the Export Declaration. You may enter NVD in this field. Return to List

Insurance Value

Use this field to enter the value to be insured with the airline. This value will be multiplied by the rate shown in the INS % field to calculate the insurance charge due the airline. You may enter NIL in this field. Return to List

Accounting Information

Text entered in this field will be printed in the Accounting Information block of the Waybill. It will also be used in the Reference number field for tracking. If you enter multiple reference numbers separated by ";", each will be shown separately as a reference number for this Waybill. You may enter additional reference numbers on the WYSIWYG screen. You can access the complete reference number program by pressing F4 from this field. Return to List