You can enter a variety of reference data on this screen. The most common will be Customer Reference numbers.
The following is a list of codes that can be used to identify the type of reference number you are entering.
AP Accounts Receivable BM Bill of Lading BN Booking Number CB Combined Shipment CG Consignee's Order Number CK Check Number CR Customer Reference Number EQ Equipment Number EU End User's Purchase Order Number FN Fowarder's Reference Number ID Insurance Certificate Number IV Seller's Invoice Number MB Master Bill of Lading MF Manufacturers Part Number NB Letter of Credit Number PO Purchase Order Number RF Export Reference Number SI Shipper's ID Number SN Seal Number SO Shipper's Order Number UN United Nations Hazardous Classification Number ZA Supplier ZZ Mutually Defined
The data is kept in a TEMPLATE file tied to the AWB number until the Air Waybill is posted to tracking. At that time the data is kept by file number. Once an Air Waybill has been posted to tracking you will not be able to change the file number.
After the Air Waybill is posted to tracking the reference numbers can be displayed or changed from the tracking expand screen or from the AWB expand screen.