Accounts Payable
  1. General A/P Info
  2. Cash Disbursements
  3. Check Processing
  4. Printing Hand Checks from APEDIT
  5. Reconciling Cash Disbursements
  6. Resolving Reconciliation Problems
  7. Refunds
  8. System Data

General info

Accounts Payable programs and reports are available via the Accounts Payable Menu.

Ordinarily, vouchers (invoices) are entered through the expense section of the A/R invoicing modules.

There is an Accounts Payable Enter/Edit program, but we recommend that its use be limited to correcting invoices and to entering direct expenses. All entries to the Accounts Payable module are required to be balanced and to be expensed to valid G/L accounts.

Each A/P record includes a Due Date. A Cash Requirements report based on this due date can be printed and checks can be selected for payment by due date.

Vouchers can be selected for payment manually by vendor and checks can be printed by site.

A Vendor Activity Inquiry shows amount, date, file, date paid, check number and balance due. There are also inquiries by bank/check and file.

The Aging Report can be printed in summary or detail for a specified range of vendors as of any specified date.

The system provides a capability for multiple Accounts Payable accounts. If this option is specified at system setup, then vendors can be restricted to a particular A/P account. For example, one account might be used for file related expenses and another for direct expenses such as utilities and rent.


Cash Disbursements

The Cash Disbursement Process involves selecting payables to be paid, printing checks and posting the check data to the General Ledger.

When a payable has been created and as long as the balance due is not zero, there will be a record in the Open Accounts Payable file (ACCT.PAY.OPEN). When the balance is zero the record is removed.

Check selection creates records in a Log file (ACCT.PAY.CK.MAST and ACCT.PAY.CHECK). Each Log entry corresponds to one check number. Data remains in this file until checks are posted. The log records have a site number that is used to control which entries in the log file are printed and posted as a group. When a payable has been selected the Balance Due is adjusted and the ACCT.PAY.OPEN record is removed if the payable is paid in full. (If you look at a payable that has been selected but the check has not been posted you will see a balance due of zero but no Cash Disbursement data.)

When a check is printed the check number, date and bank number are added to the log file.

Posting check data goes through the log file and creates Cash Disbursement data for each log record that has been printed and matches the site selected and deletes the log record.

The Multiple Hand Check program allows bypassing check printing by adding the bank, check number and check date to the log record immediately.

There is an UNPAY option that should be used with great caution since it allows changing data on posted checks. The unpay program (APCKUN) reverses the posting process by removing the check data from the Cash Disbursement files and putting it back into the log file. The unpay program gives you the log number. The site is set to 99. The Multiple Hand Check Program can then be used to edit the check data or even undo it completely (which is the dangerous part since there can now be a computer generated check without any record in the system). After correcting, the check can be reposted by posting checks for site 99.


Check Processing

Selecting checks for printing enters data into two files; a master (ACCT.PAY.CK.MAST) and a detail (ACCT.PAY.CHECK) file.

There is one record in the master file for each check selected. The data in the master file is the log number, the vendor number and the site.

The detail file has a record for each payable selected with the amount of the payable.

When checks are printed the master file is updated to include the bank number, check number and check date. At the end of check printing the last good check number is entered. Any records in the master file with a check number greater than the last good check number have the bank number set to zero to prevent posting.

The check posting program finds all records in the master file for the site that have a bank number, check number and check date. These records are posted to the ledger and removed from both the master and detail check processing files.

The check proof log will display the bank, check number and check date of any unposted checks in the 2nd, 3rd and 4th row below the log number and site.

The last check number used is stored by site (if the option APOPTS+2 is set to S in the system file). If you enter a new check number the system uses the number you entered to print the checks and update the stored last number by site. If you indicate that all checks did not print properly the stored number is still updated on the assumption that the remaining checks were damaged in the printing process.

If you print checks for a site a second time without posting, all checks for that site (including those previously printed) will be printed. The checks that are reprinted WILL GET NEW CHECK NUMBERS. If you print a batch of checks a number of times with different check numbers each time, only the final printing will show in the ledger after check posting.


Printing Hand Checks from APEDIT

If a bank, check number and date are filled in they are used to print a hand check, getting the Misc Vendor data if applicable.

If the bank and check number are not filled in the default bank number for the site can be used (or overridden) to find the next check number to use (or be overridden). These are entered before the Misc Vendor data if applicable. This program actually gets the check number from files and proceeds to print as if the numbers had been entered on the AP screen.


Reconciling Cash Disbursements

To reconcile the list of checks not properly listed on the Cash Disbursement report, proceed as follows to identify the problem:

  1. Use Cash Disbursement Inquiry (Opt 28) to try to locate the check. If the problem is a wrong date, this will identify the problem.

  2. Use RCVCFD or Payables by Vendor Inquiry (Opt 27) to identify a payable that should be on the check. If the payable has the balance due the check was not entered. If the payable has been paid, use the bottom part of Cash Disbursement Inquiry (Opt 28) to see if the wrong bank or check number was used. When locating a payable use the space bar to erase the bank and check number, and be sure the cursor is in the payable column before pressing F5. If the payable is not displayed scroll backward to be sure it is not on the previous screen.


Resolving Reconciliation Problems

The following methods of solving the problems can be used:

  • Wrong Check Dates, wrong bank or check numbers, wrong check amounts
    Use the UNPAY option from the Accounts Payable menu to move the erroneous check to the processing file. The unpay program will give the log number to be corrected. The general ledger period that includes the wrong check date must be open as well as the period to which the check is being moved. The check will be set up as a multiple hand check (dept 99). The appropriate corrections can be made and the check reposted. While the check is in the processing file, any necessary changes such as adding or deleting payables can be done.

  • Payables never entered or checks never recorded
    Hand checks can be created with the appropriate bank, check number and date as long as the General Ledger Period is open. Payables can be created with the appropriate G/L dates if the period is open. Payables can be dated after the check date (where the payable is in a later period, but the check is in the period being reconciled).

  • Payables received are not equal to the cash disbursed
    These are usually adjustments that were made when the check was written. These adjustments should be made as an additional line on the voucher portion of the payable. These can be displayed by using the expand (F4) from the bottom of the Cash Disbursement Inquiry (Opt 28). Other errors in disbursement amounts can be researched and appropriate adjustments made by creating adjusting payables, using the unpay option to move the check to the holding file, making whatever corrections are necessary and reposting.



  • How to handle a refund to a customer

    If the customer is one that you do a significant amount of business with, the preferred method of handling an overcharge is to create a credit invoice. This is the same as creating an additional invoice, except that the amount is negative. When the customer uses the credit you simply use cash receipts to "pay" the negative invoice as well as any other invoices that the customer included.

    If it is actually necessary to refund money to a customer you can use the Miscellaneous Vendor feature to cut the check. We recommend that you have more than one Misc Vendor. You should use a separate one for office expenses and a different one for file related expenses. A misc vendor is identified by an "M" in the RESTRICT field.

    Set up a payable to the misc vendor. In check selection, after selecting the item to be paid, use F9 to access the misc vendor data screen. Enter the name and address as it is to appear on the check. Print and post checks in the normal manner.

  • To record a refund from a vendor

    Create an A/P transaction for a negative amount. Fill in the appropriate file number, expense accountt and department.

    If cash was received, use the Misc Cash Receipts program to record the cash. Use a Wash Account as the credit account. "Pay" the negative payable to the wash account, the same as if you were doing an agent settlement.

    If cash was not received, you have a credit with the vendor which can be selected along with a positive payable to use the refund.


System Data

The Accounts Payable account must be a restricted account. Journal entries can be made but the account can not be used in the V/R or any other programs such as invoicing.

In editing the Chart of Accounts - you can specify whether file data is used, if the ap is cash basis, if the voucher data is to be posted in detail or in daily summary only. The primary trade payables are journal 1. If multiple payable systems are used the additional payables should have their own journal number. The first 10 journal numbers are predefined. You can use numbers starting at 10. Edit the Journal Code file to assign a 3 char description and long name to the journal code.

If Y then Each vendor is identified by which AP acct it can be used with. If N then any vendor can be used with any payable acct. (Checked by APEDIT, and invoicing programs.)

If position 1 has Y then all payables that are zeroed out will be deleted. The default is that a payable is deleted only if it is zero and has just been created.

MSPRIV can be used to control who can edit payable data.

Misc Vendor
A vendor can be marked with an "M" in the restricted field. If a payable is paid with a hand check for a misc vendor, the vendor name and address is entered at the time the hand check is created.

If checks are selected for misc vendor, F9 can be used to get the name and address to print on the check. The check printing and posting save the misc vendor name and address by check in CASH.DISB.PAYEE
