Online Documentation

The AIRPEX system consists of a number of operations modules feeding data into an accounting system.

An installation may include one or more of the following operations modules:

The acccounting system includes:

  • General Ledger
  • Accounts Receivable
  • Accounts Payable
  • (An optional Payroll module may be included)

System Installation

BMS installs all necessary programs. However, the system must be tailored for each installation. In particular the following items must be addressed before using the system:

Fiscal Periods

As a minimum, the current date must be in a fiscal period. Use the General Ledger Menu option to enter fiscal period data.

Chart of Accounts

Use the General Ledger Menu to enter a chart of accounts. As a minimum the following accounts are required:

  • Cash Account
  • Accounts Receivable - Trade
  • Direct AWB Pass Through Account (if using the Air Export Module)
  • Accounts Payable - Trade
  • Accounts Payable - Airlines (if using the Air Export Module)
  • Accounts Payable - Duty (if using the ABI Module)
  • At least One Revenue Account
  • The Error Account (8888)

Charge Codes

Each module has a separate set of two character charge codes. The ABI module and the Ocean Export module require certain charge codes for Duty, Fees and Ocean Freight. These consist of a space and one letter.

System Data

A variety of system variables are used to tailor a system to meet your particular needs.

AWB Posting Table (if using the Air Export Module)


We recommend that your company be set up as customer 1.


We recommend that your company be set up as vendor 1. If using the ABI module you will need to set up US Customs as a vendor.