Getting Started

  1. Cursor Movement
  2. Lookup Fields [   ]
  3. Input Fields <   >
  4. Date Fields
  5. Tables
  6. Scrolling Tables
  1. Toggling Tables
  2. Locating in Tables
  3. Basic Screen Elements
  4. Function Keys
  5. Menus
  6. Printing

Cursor Movement

Use the TAB key to move forward to the next field.
Use the Shift-TAB keystroke combination to move backward through the fields.
Use the Control-N keystroke combination to move to the first field in the next line.
Use the ARROW keys to move the cursor anywhere on the screen.
Use function keys as indicated at the bottom of the screen or in the screen menu to move to other parts of the program, display underlying tables, exit the program, etc.


Lookup Fields [   ]

Lookup fields are indicated by square brackets [   ]. Press F4 to open an external database to search and retrieve valid data. (Additional function key options may be available on certain screens). You may also enter codes directly into lookup fields without using the lookup function.


Standard Input Fields <   >

Basic input fields are indicated by 'less than' and 'greater than' symbols <   >. Enter data directly into these fields.


Date Fields

Dates are entered as MMDDYY. If you enter DD, the current month and year will be assumed. If you enter MMDD, the current year will be assumed. Leading zeros must be entered for days and years but are not necessary for months.



Tables display multiple records at one time. Two types of tables are utilized throughout the AIRPEX system:

1) Full Screen Tables, which are used to list records in databases, and
2) Detail Tables which indicate one-to-many relationships.

In the example screen above, the master bill of lading has several house bills associated with it. The same master bill also has multiple containers. Whenever such a one-to-many relationship exists, detail tables are utilized to display the associated multiple records.

Adding records to tables: Most detail tables allow direct input of data, but most full screen tables have a detail screen for data entry and editing. Check the menu options to determine if the table that you are working with supports direct input.
Deleting records from tables:

Tables can be scrolled, toggled, and used to locate records.


Scrolling Tables

The number of records that a table can hold is limited only by available disk space.  Tables frequently contain more records than can be displayed at one time.  To accommodate this situation table data can be scrolled to display the additional records.

To view the next screenful of records, place the cursor in the table region, then press the F3 function key. To view the previous group of records, press F2.


Toggling Tables

Tables occasionally have more fields than can be displayed at one time. To accomodate this situation, table data can be 'toggled' to display the additional fields.

Not every table offers this functionality. Check the screen menu options to determine if a particular table offers toggling capabilities.

To toggle table fields, place the cursor in the table region, then press the appropriate function key to display the hidden fields.  Press the function key again to display the original fields.


Locating in Tables

To locate a record in a table, place the cursor in a locator field, type in your search criteria, then press the F5 function key.  If the data exists, it will be brought to the top of the table, and the records will be sorted on that field.

Not every field in every table offers this search/sort functionality. Check the menu options to determine if a particular field in a table offers search options.


Basic Screen Elements

Most AIRPEX screens contain the following basic screen elements:

Screen ID - Located at the upper left corner of the screen. Identifies the AIRPEX screen (and version).  Use this identifier when reporting technical problems.
Screen name - Located at the center top of the screen.   Identifies the screen/program name.  In this Help system, clicking on the screen name will usually take you to a short description of the purpose of the screen.
Date/Time - Located at the upper right corner of the screen. Displays the system date and time.
Status Line - Located at line 25 of the screen. Displays current program, terminal number, and other system information.


Function Keys

Function keys are used extensively throughout the AIRPEX system.   The following list indicates the usual action associated with each FKey:

F1 - Stop/select  Close the current screen and return to the calling screen.
F2 - Reverse  Used in tables to display the previous screenful of records.
F3 - Forward  Used in tables to display the next screenful of records.
F4 - Perform a lookup  Place the cursor in an input field with square brackets [ ] and press F4 to open a database for valid options for the field.
F5 - Locate a record  Type your search criteria in a table field, then press this key to locate an existing record.
F7 - Insert a record  Pressing this key within a detail table will usually insert a new line at the cursor position.
F8 - Expand to a detail screen
F10 - Open a menu  Opens a screen menu to display multiple action/navigation options.

F11 - F20  are accessed by holding down the Shift key then pressing a corresponding function key F1 - F10



Access to the system uses standard UNIX System V user ID and password procedures. Each user is assigned a specific starting menu using the BMS Menu Security system. Only the functions available on that menu (and any sub-menus below it) can be accessed by the user.

Normally, menus are assigned to classes of users who all have a common set of responsibilities. For example, all those involved in Air Export would have the Air Export Menu while those in Import would have the ABI menu. Some of each group might also have access to Invoicing, Accounts Receivable or Accounts Payable. The menu system can be further refined to cause certain programs to work differently depending upon the privileges assigned to the user.

BMS provides instruction to key personnel designated by management on the maintenance of the menu system.

The menu examples displayed throughout this help system represent the standard menu set that ships with AIRPEX.    Your system may have modified versions of these menus.



AIRPEX handles printing to a variety of devices.  Most printable output can be sent to dot matrix printers for preprinted forms, laser printers, faxes, files or the screen.

When a print command is issued AIRPEX displays a printer selection screen.  Choose an output device by typing it's corresponding number.  Depending upon the print job (form or report) and output device selected, program flow then passes to another screen which allows input of various print parameters appropriate to your selections.  Finally, the program offers an option confirm your selections to print, or to abort the process.
